Elementary Latin 101

Fall 2017

Professor Irby
Office: Morton 329
Office phone: 1-2162 (better to avoid the phone and come by the office or use e-mail)
Office Hours: M: 10-11 am; W: 1-2 pm; and  by appointment
e-mail: glirby@wm.edu
web pages:  
Grading scale:
100-93% = A; 92-90% =  A-; 89-87% = B+; 86-83% = B; 80-82% = B-; 79-77% = C+; 76-73% = C; 72-73% = C-; 69-67% = D+; 66-63% = D; 92-60% = D-; 59%-0% = F
Exams and Course Grade:
Exam I (September 29, NLP 1-6) 100 points
Exam II (November 3, NLP 7-12) 100 points
Quizzes and Class Participation 100 points
Final Exam (NLP 13-18)
December 13, 9-12 am
100 points
Total 400 points
Course Objectives: This course is designed to equip the students with the elements of the structure of ancient Latin and with a knowledge of its basic Required Vocabulary in preparation for reading texts in the original language. Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: Class Participation and Attendance is essential to success in this class.  Latin 101 is an interactive course, and your success depends upon your effort. You must be in class every day, on time, prepared (e.g., you MUST do your homework BEFORE class), and you must ready to work. I reserve the right to collect assigned homework and give pop quizzes.
You are allowed two unexcused absences. Any absences beyond this (including excessively late arrivals to class = 10 minutes late) will be penalized. For each unexcused absence, one point will be deducted from your final (total) class average.
You are also allowed two class days for which you are unprepared (let me know at the beginning of class if you wish to cash in one of your allowed "unprepared" days), but you will not be allowed to make up a quiz that might be given on that day. Any days beyond this for which you are unprepared will be penalized. For each unexcused "unprepared" day, one/half point will be deducted from your final (total) class average.
Excused Absences include unavoidable conflicts, such as extended illnesses and family emergencies (but not regularly scheduled physician/dentist appointments for routine matters). Keep in touch with me as you are able. Within 48 hours of your return to school, you must provide in hard-copy (not e-mail) a written signed statement citing an acceptable reason for the absence. Requests for excused absences should conclude with the phrase: “I understand that this statement is made under the strictures of the William and Mary Honor Code” and should be signed by the student asking for an excused absence.  Makeup final exams will only be scheduled with the permission of the instructor and the Office of the Dean of Students.
Quizzes and homeworks are worth 100 points of your final grade. Since the two lowest quiz grade will be dropped, no quiz may be taken early, late, or made up for any reason. Quizzes will be both announced and un-. It is highly unlikely that the webpage will be updated to reflect upcoming announced  quizzes -- so, come to class. Homework must be completed before each class meeting, and "turn-in" homework is due at the beginning of class.
Make-up Policy: No make-up work will be allowed for any reason. No e-mail submissions will be accepted. Two quizzes will be dropped from your final quiz average.
Class Room Policies: Regular attendance is expected. Additional readings and changes to the syllabus may be announced in class.




No work will be accepted late
No make-ups will be permitted
Arrive prepared and on time
Minor adjustments to the syllabus may be announced in class
It is your responsibility to keep informed about changes to the syllabus and exam schedule
Turn off cell phones and whatnot before coming to class


No texting during class

Regular Attendance is strongly encouraged

Hark upon the Gale: Remember the Honor Code





Tentative schedule of assignments
changes and additional readings will be announced in class: the website may or may not be updated, depending on the whim of the gods and the alignment of the planets -- just another reason to be sure to come to class :-)
August 30: Introduction
September 1: NLP 1 ***
September 4: NLP 1 September 5: NLP 2 September 6: NLP 2 September 8: NLP 3 ***
September 11: NLP 3 September 12: NLP 3 September 13: NLP 4 September 15: NLP 4 ***
September 18: NLP 5 September 19: NLP 5 September 20: NLP 5-6 September 22: NLP 6 ***
September 25: NLP 6 September 26: REVIEW I September 27: Pretest 1
September 29: Exam 1
October 2: NLP 7 October 3: NLP 7 October 4: NLP 7 Lecture: Oct. 5, 5:30 pm, Andrews 101, Dr. Sandra Blakely, Emory University, “Gods, Games and Sailors: Maritime Networks and the Mysteries of the Great Gods of Samothrace.” Virginia N. Brinkley lecture
October 6: tba
October 9: NLP 8 October 10: NLP 8 October 11: NLP 9 October 13: NLP 9 ***
October 14-17: FALL BREAK
October 18: NLP 10 Lecture: Oct. 19, 5:30 pm, Andrews 101, Dr. Mary Ann Eaverly, University of Florida, “Cultic Continuity:  Re-Interrogating The Parthenon Frieze.”
October 20: NLP 10 ***
October 23: NLP 10 October 24: NLP 11 October 25: NLP 11 October 27: NLP 12 ***
October 30: NLP 12 October 31: REVIEW II November 1:  Pretest 2
November 3: Exam 2
November 6: NLP 13 November 7: NLP 13 November 8: NLP 14 Lecture: Nov. 9, 5:30 pm, Andrews 101, Mr. Jack W. Brink, Curator of Archaeology, Royal Alberta Museum, “The Great Buffalo Jumps.”Archaeological Institute of America, Stone Lecture
November 10: NLP 14 ***
November 13: NLP 15 November 14: NLP 15 November 15: NLP 16 November 17: NLP 16 ***
November 20: NLP 16 November 21: NLP 17 ***
November 27: NLP 17 November 28: NLP 17 November 29: NLP 18 December 1: NLP 18 ***
December 4: NLP 19 December 5: NLP 19 December 6: Review Lesson C, Workbook: pp. 201-217
December 8: Pretest 3
December 13: 9-12 am FINAL EXAM